My sister Cher, her husband, baby Allen, and my mom came to the city for a visit yesterday. It was another beautiful day, so after cuddling with my sweet nephew for awhile, we decided we should take him on his very first trip to the zoo! So off we went to Lincoln Park Zoo, and it was there with the animals that we whiled away the day. Allen slept through the whole entire trip, but hey, we took tons of pictures and we can show him what his first trip to the zoo was like when he gets older!
This blog post is going to be very pic heavy, so I hope you enjoy the sights. I've posted a hodgepodge of photos from our trip to Lincoln Park Zoo. Of course, pictures are never as good as the real thing, so if you're ever in Chicago, I recommend checking out LP Zoo for yourself! It is free! Do not miss the conservatory if you are as obsessed with flowers/plants as I am. The sights and smells in there are heavenly!
Here is my nephew next to a mold of a polar bear foot at LP Zoo. He's pretty tiny, huh? |
I loved watching this guy! Ostriches are definitely one of the coolest birds I've ever seen. | | |
Not the greatest picture, but this guy was MASSIVE. I've never seen a beaver so large before! |
This giraffe kept sticking her tongue out! Of course I didn't get a shot of that, but it was hysterical. |
Helllllo Mr. Rhino. This guy was huge. |
I sort of thought the one on the left was going to gnaw through the log... | | | |
This photo and the next five photos were taken in the LP Zoo conservatory. It is an incredibly beautiful, peaceful place, and I will most definitely be back when I need to take a break from the "hustle and bustle", or whenever I need to stop and smell the flowers! |
Sweet little nugget nephew and his mommy and daddy leaving the zoo after a beautiful, fun day! |
I hope you enjoyed the photos. I know Will and I really enjoyed showing our family around a little bit, and we are looking forward to their next visit when they can stay longer!
My mom was the only one who was able to stay overnight, and she left a few hours ago. I was going to post about the hilarity that ensued today when my mom and I went for our bike ride, but I think I will save that post for later this week!
Still no word about the job, and though Will tells me to be patient and give them until Friday to get back to me, I'm starting to get impatient!
I think I'll ask if he wants to go to Zberry get some fro yo to ease my mind! ;)
Ta ta for now!
Awww greats pics of the flowers and the family! I think baby Al is going to be more spoiled than he can handle as he grows up! :) *hugs*
ReplyDeleteHe is a miracle baby. We all love him so much and we loved it that you guys came for a visit. It was too short though, and we look forward to the time when you all can stay for a long weekend! There's so much to do and see here, and we love to have family visit. :) Next up should be baby Al's first baseball game! xoxo