I hope everyone had a safe and happy time wishing Happy Birthday to America last night! I made the cake pictured above partially to be festive and patriotic and what have you; and partially to bribe my dad into coming to Chicago for a visit.
It's a very easy recipe. You'll need a few blueberries, a pint of strawberries, one container of cool whip, and your favorite cake recipe. (I used a butter cake).
Then all you do is bake your cake, let it cool completely, frost with the whip cream, and arrange the fruit. Tasty and delicious; and also a good way to bribe city-hatin' folk to come in for a visit. heh!
Other things I did to celebrate America's birthday:
Watched the parade in our neighborhood. It turned down 53rd street so we only had to walk half a block to get a good spot. Hyde Park has this annual 4th of July celebration that includes a parade, live music, games, a picnic, etc. It was in the triple digits yesterday, so unfortunately not too many came out to partake, but you better believe that I did. Here are a few of my favorite photos of the parade/band/etc.
Bagpipers kicked off the parade! |
Some adorable pom girls or something. I liked their shiny outfits. |
Fitzgerald's Martial Arts! |
Protestors demanding the release of Bradley Manning |
Cool church float. They handed out free Popsicles too which were very welcome since it was over 100 degrees outside. |
Hyde Park Garden Fair float! They handed out various seed packets which I thought was really cute. Unfortunately I got radishes. I do not like radishes. :( |
My parents missed out on the parade, but they got into town shortly after. As my dad and huz relaxed in the a/c with a couple of Heinekens, my mom and I went for a stroll down 53rd to check out the live music.
The band was playing some rockin' blues. They had great energy despite the small turnout. |
The sign advertising our neighborhood's fun little celebration at Nichols Park!
We closed out the evening by having a cook-in rather than a cook out, and then heading out to watch some fireworks. :) We made brats and burgers on the stove. We also had watermelon, potato chips, and macaroni salad. The food was delish, and we stayed cool to boot. At around 8pm we headed over to the point to watch some fireworks. It was so nice to spend the evening at the park. Even dad enjoyed himself. :) The point wasn't as crowded as I thought it would be, and those that were there were all decked out in their red white and blue. We commandeered a great spot near the rocks to watch the fireworks, and a wonderful breeze was blowing off of the lake.
Navy Pier fireworks as we viewed them from Promontory Point. |
Today my mom and I went to the farmer's market in the park across the street from my apartment. They had gorgeous bouquets of fresh cut flowers for around $5.00 each.
I got these beauties for just $3.00 this morning. |
We also bought the ridiculously succulent peaches pictured below. They're seriously delectable. I scarfed down two whole ones by myself. I can't wait to hit up the market for the rest of the summer for more flowers and fruit.
Before my parents left, mom and I capped off the morning with a trip to the beach. The water felt great on our toes, especially after a half mile walk in the 104 degree heat. Not that I am complaining. It can stay 104 for the rest of the year if it would like to. See my previous posts for more info on my love affair with hot weather..... ;)
Me and mom at Lake Michigan. Blurry enough that you can't tell who we are! Ha! ;) |
My gorgeous mama at the beach. |
I hope you all had a safe and wonderful 4th of July!
Til next time,
Emme <3
Ooh, looks like a fun 4th. That's so cool you can see the Navy Pier fireworks from the beach. Must make note for next year.
ReplyDeleteExcited to share that we signed on an apartment up near Hyde Park Blvd and Cottage Grove! Such a relief. I'm so excited to join a neighborhood that has fun events like this.
Congrats on your new place! You're less than 2 miles from us. We live on 53rd and South Shore Drive! :)
ReplyDeleteOoh, you're close. I assumed you were near the lake since you have the view, but wow that's ON the lake.
ReplyDeleteOk, I don't know how to say this without sounding thoroughly awkward and possibly creepy, but if you want to impart all your Chicago knowledge on a newbie when we get to town, let me know if you want to get coffee or something. (Look here's a picture of me to show I'm not actually a 50-year-old Cambodian convict: https://plus.google.com/u/0/103318525110058497026/posts)
LOL, Lauren! Your comment cracks me up! I'd love to grab coffee with you, and we've got several cute spots in Hyde Park to do just that! When do you guys move in?
ReplyDeletePS. I added you on google plus....under my legit name. :) Just in case you think some weirdo is stalking you...it's just "Emme".
ReplyDeleteHa ha, no worries about stalking. It's funny because I often use "Elle" for one of my own online identities.
ReplyDeleteWe move in Sept. 1 after what promises to be an interesting road trip from AZ. Once we're settled I can message you on Google+ and all that.
Sounds good!