Monday, March 11, 2013

No longer a rookie :)

It seemed quite fitting to write this post today since as of today it has been exactly ONE YEAR since we moved to Chicago. I have to say that it has been an amazing adventure so far, and despite the fact that at first I was terrified of this move, I really believe it was one of the best things that has ever happened to me. Chicago has overwhelmingly exceeded my expectations, and I am really lucky to have the chance to experience all it has to offer.

Huz and I renewed our lease here in Hyde Park for one more year, so we will be here until March 2014. I recently accepted a full-time (with benefits! YAY!) position downtown with Northwestern, and Huz and I are most likely moving to a different neighborhood next year. We're looking at Andersonville, Lincoln Square, Ravenswood, or Lakeview right now. We have met some wonderful people here in the city and have discovered some wonderful places. We're looking forward to the next chapter of our lives here in Chicago, and I want to thank my faithful readers who journeyed by my side through the last year. I bid you all adieu, for it is with this final post that I am going to end this blog, because I really don't feel like a rookie in this city anymore. :)

I am toying around with the idea of starting another blog, and if I do, I'll come back here and post the link for those who are interested!




  1. I agree, you are no longer a rookie! You've taken Bryan and I on some great adventures in the city and we are looking forward to many more to come!! So proud of you! :) -Ellie

  2. Oh yes I can't wait for you guys to come back! Sooo much more for us to do! Love you!
