Sunday, October 21, 2012

T minus 10 days...

...until my mom and I fly out to Nevada to visit with some family that we see far too infrequently.

I wish I could say that I am completely excited about this trip, but to be perfectly honest part of me is not excited at all. Not because I don't love the family that we're going to see, but because of the circumstances that brought this trip about. Because I am afraid the moment I see my beautiful cousin, instead of being the supportive rock I have envisioned, instead I may very well  double over and burst into tears.

You see, my cousin has been diagnosed with advanced stage breast cancer. She recently underwent a mastectomy and she currently half way through her courses of chemotherapy. When she is finished, she will undergo radiation therapy as well.

As if her struggles weren't bad enough, my uncle (her father) was diagnosed with serious esophageal cancer within days of receiving my cousin's diagnosis. I feel really helpless. I have spoken with my second cousins on the phone frequently, and I have sent countless cards, and I have prayed. But I still feel like there is so much I *can't* do, and that breaks my heart. It's just an all around difficult situation and it sucks.

You know, it feels really good to just type this post. I've been holding a lot of these feelings in for a long time. It feels like I am finally exhaling.

Anyway, no matter how *I* am feeling, I am going to fly out with my mom next week and do my very best to shower them all with love and support. I am also going to do my best to inspire some smiles and laughter because my family deserves all of that, and so much more.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Cutest lil pumpkin!

Here's my nephew all ready for Halloween! He is SO CUTE, I just had to share!

Hope everyone has a great week!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Soooooooooo much has been going on in the past few weeks! I can't believe it's been so long since my last post! So many nights I wanted to try to write, but school and well, life, have been keeping me really busy lately!

I remember before I moved to Chicago, I was talking to a dear friend who lived in Lakeview (a neighborhood in Chicago) for a few years and he said, "Once you move into the city, you might feel like your life is on fast forward." He was right. Even with the weather cooling down there are tons of events going on.

A couple of weeks ago I was able to take in two excellent concerts at the Hyde Park Jazz Festival, my favorite being the Zach Brock Trio.

 Zach Brock is an up and coming jazz violinist and he and his trio played inside the Robie House here in Hyde Park.

One of the rooms inside Frank Lloyd Wright's Robie House. Look at those windows!!!

As you can probably tell, it was a breathtakingly beautiful venue for an intimate evening concert, and I am *SO GLAD* I chose to attend despite the fact that B wasn't able. There was only seating for 70 people inside, and I was one of the lucky ones! Mr. Brock is truly an incredible talent and I feel so blessed that I live in a city where I have access to so many incredible cultural experiences.

The link below will take you to a youtube video of Zach Brock performing his song "Almost Never Was". Please, please do yourself a favor and take the time to listen! :)

B and I have also been fortunate in that last Saturday we were able to spend a couple of hours with a couple of new friends (YAY for new friends!), and sample some beer at the Hyde Park Oktoberfest. I couldn't help but smile despite the 48 degree weather watching all the kids painting pumpkins and wagon riding in the middle of our neighborhood! Oh yes, a real, albeit tiiiiiiiiiiiny, tractor with a wagon was giving hayrides through Nichols Park! So cute!

Annnnnnnd I have only been working two or three days a week lately, so last week I was also able to go down to Springfield and spend some time with Ellie! Though money is tight right now, I feel so very happy and totally blessed because I have been given the gift of time. Time to spend doing things I really want to be doing, like spending time with family and experiencing the city. I know that one day soon school will be over (unless I start grad school...which I am still undecided on....but I think I am getting closer....) and I will have to get a "real job" (Booooooo! ha ha!) so I am enjoying every freaking moment of this and constantly trying to to remind myself to remember to cherish every second because it's not going to last too much longer...

Til next post,