Thursday, November 15, 2012


I forgot to mention that I got a new tattoo while I was in Reno. I got it to honor the memory of my mother-in-law who was taken much too early by breast cancer, and to support my cousin as she battles breast cancer right now. It is still healing up but it's beautiful, and when it is completely healed I will post a photo!

The Space

Hey there! I know I should say sorry for not writing, but things have been extra crazy around here lately. The semester is winding down for me, Huz is getting into new studies, and I just got back from Reno, so there's been a lot of playing catch up going on.

I got to visit Virginia City, a very old silver mining town, and Lake Tahoe while I was in Nevada. Both are wonderful places and I'm really glad I had the chance to see them! Below are a couple of photos of Lake Tahoe, but they do NOT do it justice. It's truly breathtaking.

I'm not going to say a whole lot about my trip, but I will say that though it was hard, it was really really nice. It was so nice to be able to spend time with my cousins and my aunt and uncle...people I see far too rarely. And they were sooooo happy to see us too, especially my mom who has an incredibly calming presence. It was hard to leave, but I hope that we will be able to visit more often. I believe I have both Grace and Meghan coming to visit me in Chicago this I'm really looking forward to that!

In other news....

 Huz and I have joined a gym here in Chicago for the winter months! Finally! It feels sooooooooooooooooo incredibly good to be back in the gym regularly. And I love so many things about our new gym, 'The Space'. It is literally right next door to our place, so it is incredibly convenient, and it is owned by a woman my age who is also a personal trainer. She is incredibly sweet and she gave us a good deal when I told her that the huz and I are both students.

The owner also offers other services on site such as a variety of fitness classes, nutrition counseling, massage therapy, and even manicure service. I love that the gym is open 24 hours, 365 days a year, and it's primarily used for one on one personal training. This means that the gym member base is very small, and it rarely gets crowded. I can't say enough good things. If you're in the Hyde Park/Kenwood area, I'd definitely recommend The Space for all your fitness needs.