Saturday, December 8, 2012

Christmas Spirit is in full effect in our building :)

 Christmas is my favorite holiday hands down. I've already mailed out 95% of our Christmas cards, and our tree has been up since a few days before Thanksgiving.  I love the warm fuzzy feeling that comes with Christmas. I love Christmas lights, carols, receiving Christmas cards (I don't care if they say it's a dying tradition...I will never stop sending out Christmas cards! Ha!) and spending time with the ones I love.

And I am so excited to spend our first Christmas in Chicago. The entire city is transforming before our eyes, and it's feeling more and more like Christmas time. There are lights everywhere. I was SO excited to see that they even decked out our building! Inside and out!

One of our sweet neighbors came over completely unexpected tonight to deliver a gift bag. When I looked inside I found a holiday card addressed to me, huz, and Puss In Boots. I also found cat toys for our lil feline which she is currently batting around the living room... I was really touched by such a sweet little gesture. I can't wait to do something sweet for our neighbor and her kitties too!

Hope everyone is enjoying their Holiday Season. :)



Friday, December 7, 2012


I'm typing up this post while sipping on a nice glass of Trader Joe's Pinot Gris... so you gotta take that into account when you read it. ;)

I've had soooo many RANDOM confessions swirling around my brain these past couple of weeks that I figured I'd take the evening off from research papers, reading, and discussion board posts and type a few of these thoughts out...

 (Plus we are having company over in an hour or so, Huz's cousin is coming into the city, so I wouldn't be able to get a whole lot of school work done anyway unless I left the apartment which is SO not happening. Heh!)

Disclaimer: You do not have to tell me how first-world-problemy my confessions sound. I already know. Believe me.

Confession # 1. I confess that...I really want a new job. I've only been working 2 or 3 days a week for the museum. I've been applying a bit here and there, but haven't heard anything back yet. I really wanted to stick it out at the museum until I graduate in May, (Can't believe I am SO CLOSE! Yet some days it still seems SOOOO far away...) but I am really tired of huz and I having to watch every. single. penny. and having to say no to invitations with potential wonderful new friends because we're broke...

Confession # 2. I confess that...I have been thinking more and more about moving to a different neighborhood in Chicago. I feel like such an asshat confessing that...but it's true. I love SO many things about Hyde Park, friendly neighbors, diversity, art, museums, parks, being thisclose to the lake, Promontory Point, our gym, our apartment....yada yada....but it's sooooo quiet here. The neighborhood falls silent at 10pm. There's barely any retail here...not that I have money to spend right now anyway...but still. The restaurants leave a bit to be desired although we are getting a couple of new ones in 2013! Nevertheless...there are just other neighborhoods *cough* Andersonville and Old Town and River North*cough* that are sounding more and more exciting to me.

Confession # 3. I confess that...I cannot wait until my little sister's wedding in January! I am so excited to see her marry her wonderful fiance. They are so in love, and so perfect for each other. I am SO ridiculously happy for them. I also confess that I really need to find a dress to wear to said wedding....

Confession # 4. I confess feels NOTHING like winter right now, and I LOVE IT. We have had such a mild start to December that sometimes I have to remind myself fall is almost over. There is not a pinch of snow on the ground, and for the past few days I haven't even needed more than a light fall jacket outside. A girl can definitely get used to this! I wonder when we will pay....I bet the first time it snows this winter it'll snow a foot. Ugh.

Confession # 5. I confess that...I think I could easily become a tattoo addict. I am loving my new tattoo more and more...especially because of the awesome meaning behind it. (My other 2 tattoos I got when I was very young (18 and 20) and though I love them, they have no meaning whatsoever.)

Confession # 6. I confess that...I STILL don't know if I want to go to grad school. Here I am a mere 6 months from graduation and I still don't know. I also confess that deep down I feel like I owe it to the women before me who paved the way for my generation. Women's rights have come so far...and have SO FAR to go...and I definitely want to do my part. I definitely want to strive to reach my full potential, but at the same time, I don't want to just aimlessly continue my education. is coming...til next time...


Monday, December 3, 2012

Fresh Ink

A photo of my tattoo as promised. :)

It's the last two weeks of my semester so forgive me for being very quiet right now...I hope to post more once I get a breather from school! Hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving.

Thursday, November 15, 2012


I forgot to mention that I got a new tattoo while I was in Reno. I got it to honor the memory of my mother-in-law who was taken much too early by breast cancer, and to support my cousin as she battles breast cancer right now. It is still healing up but it's beautiful, and when it is completely healed I will post a photo!

The Space

Hey there! I know I should say sorry for not writing, but things have been extra crazy around here lately. The semester is winding down for me, Huz is getting into new studies, and I just got back from Reno, so there's been a lot of playing catch up going on.

I got to visit Virginia City, a very old silver mining town, and Lake Tahoe while I was in Nevada. Both are wonderful places and I'm really glad I had the chance to see them! Below are a couple of photos of Lake Tahoe, but they do NOT do it justice. It's truly breathtaking.

I'm not going to say a whole lot about my trip, but I will say that though it was hard, it was really really nice. It was so nice to be able to spend time with my cousins and my aunt and uncle...people I see far too rarely. And they were sooooo happy to see us too, especially my mom who has an incredibly calming presence. It was hard to leave, but I hope that we will be able to visit more often. I believe I have both Grace and Meghan coming to visit me in Chicago this I'm really looking forward to that!

In other news....

 Huz and I have joined a gym here in Chicago for the winter months! Finally! It feels sooooooooooooooooo incredibly good to be back in the gym regularly. And I love so many things about our new gym, 'The Space'. It is literally right next door to our place, so it is incredibly convenient, and it is owned by a woman my age who is also a personal trainer. She is incredibly sweet and she gave us a good deal when I told her that the huz and I are both students.

The owner also offers other services on site such as a variety of fitness classes, nutrition counseling, massage therapy, and even manicure service. I love that the gym is open 24 hours, 365 days a year, and it's primarily used for one on one personal training. This means that the gym member base is very small, and it rarely gets crowded. I can't say enough good things. If you're in the Hyde Park/Kenwood area, I'd definitely recommend The Space for all your fitness needs.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

T minus 10 days...

...until my mom and I fly out to Nevada to visit with some family that we see far too infrequently.

I wish I could say that I am completely excited about this trip, but to be perfectly honest part of me is not excited at all. Not because I don't love the family that we're going to see, but because of the circumstances that brought this trip about. Because I am afraid the moment I see my beautiful cousin, instead of being the supportive rock I have envisioned, instead I may very well  double over and burst into tears.

You see, my cousin has been diagnosed with advanced stage breast cancer. She recently underwent a mastectomy and she currently half way through her courses of chemotherapy. When she is finished, she will undergo radiation therapy as well.

As if her struggles weren't bad enough, my uncle (her father) was diagnosed with serious esophageal cancer within days of receiving my cousin's diagnosis. I feel really helpless. I have spoken with my second cousins on the phone frequently, and I have sent countless cards, and I have prayed. But I still feel like there is so much I *can't* do, and that breaks my heart. It's just an all around difficult situation and it sucks.

You know, it feels really good to just type this post. I've been holding a lot of these feelings in for a long time. It feels like I am finally exhaling.

Anyway, no matter how *I* am feeling, I am going to fly out with my mom next week and do my very best to shower them all with love and support. I am also going to do my best to inspire some smiles and laughter because my family deserves all of that, and so much more.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Cutest lil pumpkin!

Here's my nephew all ready for Halloween! He is SO CUTE, I just had to share!

Hope everyone has a great week!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Soooooooooo much has been going on in the past few weeks! I can't believe it's been so long since my last post! So many nights I wanted to try to write, but school and well, life, have been keeping me really busy lately!

I remember before I moved to Chicago, I was talking to a dear friend who lived in Lakeview (a neighborhood in Chicago) for a few years and he said, "Once you move into the city, you might feel like your life is on fast forward." He was right. Even with the weather cooling down there are tons of events going on.

A couple of weeks ago I was able to take in two excellent concerts at the Hyde Park Jazz Festival, my favorite being the Zach Brock Trio.

 Zach Brock is an up and coming jazz violinist and he and his trio played inside the Robie House here in Hyde Park.

One of the rooms inside Frank Lloyd Wright's Robie House. Look at those windows!!!

As you can probably tell, it was a breathtakingly beautiful venue for an intimate evening concert, and I am *SO GLAD* I chose to attend despite the fact that B wasn't able. There was only seating for 70 people inside, and I was one of the lucky ones! Mr. Brock is truly an incredible talent and I feel so blessed that I live in a city where I have access to so many incredible cultural experiences.

The link below will take you to a youtube video of Zach Brock performing his song "Almost Never Was". Please, please do yourself a favor and take the time to listen! :)

B and I have also been fortunate in that last Saturday we were able to spend a couple of hours with a couple of new friends (YAY for new friends!), and sample some beer at the Hyde Park Oktoberfest. I couldn't help but smile despite the 48 degree weather watching all the kids painting pumpkins and wagon riding in the middle of our neighborhood! Oh yes, a real, albeit tiiiiiiiiiiiny, tractor with a wagon was giving hayrides through Nichols Park! So cute!

Annnnnnnd I have only been working two or three days a week lately, so last week I was also able to go down to Springfield and spend some time with Ellie! Though money is tight right now, I feel so very happy and totally blessed because I have been given the gift of time. Time to spend doing things I really want to be doing, like spending time with family and experiencing the city. I know that one day soon school will be over (unless I start grad school...which I am still undecided on....but I think I am getting closer....) and I will have to get a "real job" (Booooooo! ha ha!) so I am enjoying every freaking moment of this and constantly trying to to remind myself to remember to cherish every second because it's not going to last too much longer...

Til next post,

Friday, September 21, 2012

Little Miss Apprehensive...

As I'm typing this post there is a steady rain falling outside the window. I'm sipping steaming hot tea from a giant warm mug and watching the city lights twinkling in through the rain. All day it's been overcast, cloudy, breezy and looking like rain. It's 50 something degrees and the leaves on the trees across the street and all down Hyde Park Boulevard are just beginning to change. People are walking a little faster on the sidewalk. They're clad in boots, leggings, sweaters and scarves.

No doubt about it, fall has arrived in Chicago.

There are so many things about fall that I simply adore. Crock pot recipes, cuddling with my huz and Puss In Boots on the couch under warm blankets, lots of hot tea, trips to the apple orchard, football, comfy fall clothes, holidays, chili and cornbread, pumpkin pie, pumpkin pie blizzards, pumpkin spice coffee....pumpkin anything, really.

I especially love the trees changing colors, and the way they crunch under my feet as I'm walking; the burnt oranges, yellows, and reds of autumn.

I can't wait until the trees look like this!

Yes indeed, summer fading into fall can be a wonderful thing, but I always get a little apprehensive about the end of summer...because after the lovely fall comes the horrible, bitter winter.

I HATE cold weather. Any by cold I pretty much mean anything below 50 degrees. And hate I mean LOATHE. I hate snow. I hate having to scrape off car windows, warm up car engines, and just use the car more in general because it's too freaking cold out to walk.

I am not joking when I say that I believe I have a touch of Seasonal Affective Disorder. Winter makes me want to hibernate like a big ol' grizzly bear. I truly have to force myself to exercise during the fall and winter months, because if I don't I will be miserable and depressed. And gain unnecessary weight. I am a firm believer that the mind and soul benefit from exercise just as much as the body does. When I am not exercising on a regular basis my entire balance gets thrown off and it's an unhappy, unhealthy place for me to be.

That being said, my husband and I really need to find a gym in the city that is #1. close to our home and #2. affordable. So far my hunt has been unsuccessful, so if anyone out there in cyberspace has any suggestions, I'd love to hear them.

I will continue to ride my bike and take lots of walks for as long as the weather allows. Here's hoping fall sticks around for a bit this year!

Til next post,

Thursday, September 20, 2012

My baby love :)

Guess who I got to spend some time with this week? The most precious little boy on the planet, my nephew, that's who!

Here are Auntie Emme and Allen at the apple orchard!

Here's Allen playing with Auntie Emme over at Grandma's house!

Big smile for Auntie!

I love my nephew so much and it is just incredible to watch him growing and changing all the time. He's such a little miracle!

John Hancock, Chinatown, Second City, Oh My!

Last weekend my sister and her fiance came in for my post-birthday celebration weekend... that's what I'm calling it anyway. ;) Yes indeed, I turned the big TWO-SEVEN on September 6th. My oh my, where does the time go??!!

First on our agenda was a Friday night trip to the Signature Lounge on the 96th floor of the John Hancock. My sister and I got all dolled up and she and I and the boys headed out on the town. We got to the Hancock shortly after eleven pm, buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuttttttttt, the line to get a martini was longer than Bill Clinton's nose when he lied about the Lewinsky scandal....

Needless to say we did not wait. Instead, we took in the *free* view of the city lights at night, which I *never* get sick of. It is SO beautiful. *sigh* And then we waited in a 45 minute line (I shit you not. I told you the lines were long.) to ride the elevator back down 96 floors, and head home. We ate some late night greasy food and turned in at about 2:30am.

I can't tell you the last time I stayed up until 2:30am. Seriously.

We slept in late on Saturday morning and instead of eating breakfast at oh, 11:30am, we drove over to Chinatown where we had lunch for breakfast. My sister's fiance was excited to explore Chinatown and huz and I were happy to oblige. We ate lunch for breakfast at a place called Moon Palace which is one of my favorites, and we had SO MUCH good food. Crab rangoon, wonton soup, fried rice, beef lo mein, sesame chicken, sweet and sour chicken, egg rolls.....

After we were stuffed to max capacity we strolled around the shops where my awesome huz bought me this:

It's a money tree which is a type of Bonsai. It has a twisted trunk and star shaped leaves, and it is said to bring good fortune. Our apartment is starting to look a little bit like a jungle with all of our various house plants. I love it. Not gonna lie.

We also got this cute little Buddha statue.

 I made my husband move it away from our cross because it felt a wee bit sacrilegious. Yeah. I know. I'm weird. It's okay. You don't have to say it. I already know. :)

While in Chinatown, we checked out the Nine Dragon Wall which was AWESOME.

This is a close up shot of one of the dragons on the wall. Really beautiful.

When we were done strolling around Chinatown we headed home to get prettied up for another fun night out.  Later that evening we had dinner at an adorable Italian place in Old Town, right across from Second City. The restaurant was called Dinotto's and we sat out in their little courtyard area which was super charming. It had cobblestone floors, an old fountain, little white lights strung up, and flowers EVERYWHERE. I felt like I was in Italy for sure. Ellie and I shared a lovely bottle of Prosecco and all of our entrees were fantastic. Unfortunately we didn't leave room for dessert, but I will definitely eat there again.

I can't say enough about Second City. The show we saw was called "Who Do We Think We Are?" and it was hysterical. The seating inside the theatre was cramped, but servers were efficient, drinks were flowing, the actors were brilliant, and everyone was having a great time. Both the skits and the improv were hilarious. I can't recommend it highly enough. I look forward to going back soon.

It was such a FUN weekend, and huz and I always enjoy myself when we get to get together with family. We're so blessed to have sisters, brothers, brothers-in-law, and parents that love us so much and happen to be genuinely wonderful people!

We're also so blessed to live in a city that offers us so much beauty, and so many cultural, art and entertainment treasures. I can't believe I was ever afraid to move into the city. At this moment in my life I really can't image being happier anywhere else!

til we meet again,

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

La Isla Del Encanto!

La isla del encanto= the island of enchantment! aka Puerto Rico!

The huz and I returned home last night from an incredible first anniversary trip to Puerto Rico!

I loved everything about Puerto Rico from the super friendly locals to the mouth-watering food to the infectious beat of Puerto Rican jazz and salsa to the breathtaking beaches and lush rainforest. I truly can't recommend a visit highly enough! We hope to go back sometime in the future to visit some of the other cities in PR; 5 nights just wasn't enough time!

There were five main points on our agenda for the trip, and I can happily say that we accomplished all five.

1. Visit El Yunque rainforest and hike to La Mina falls. ..............Check.

2. Visit Old San Juan and the forts of El Morro and San Cristobal ..........Check.

3. Eat a lot of legit Puerto Rican food. Also make sure to drink lots of Pina Coladas because Puerto Rico is the birthplace of Pina Coladas! My favorites (aside from the BEST pina colada's I've ever had) were the mofongo which is casserole made from mashed plantains (DELISH!!), and the cafe con leche. I'm not even really a coffee drinker, but I had to try it because the coffee served in the hotels/restaurants is all grown locally in Puerto Rico.

4. Go to the beach. Go to the pool. Go to the beach again. And the pool again. .......Done and done.

5. Celebrate that we have been  happily chugging along together for ten years (WOW! Where does the time go?! 10 YEARS doesn't seem possible. Two of the ten were agonizingly loooooooong long distance during huz's time in med school in Grand Cayman), and celebrate our first wedding anniversary!....done and done!

You guys, it was seriously incredible to be able to spend 5 uninterrupted nights and 6 days with my huz. He is the sweetest, kindest, most gorgeous person I know. I lucked out big time. I clearly got the better end of this marriage deal! :)

Scroll on for some photos from our trip.

 Side note: we took over 200 photos during our trip, and while I'd love to share them ALL, you don't want to sit here for an hour looking at photos---plus our identities would be given away in most of them--- so I will just throw a few out here for ya! Enjoy! :)

This is Luquillo Beach. We spent a wonderfully lazy afternoon here.

This is one of my favorite shots that I took while we were exploring the El Yunque rainforest.

La Mina falls. It was a long SWEATY hike to get here, but it was worth it. The picture doesn't do it justice at ALL. :(

A view of El Yunque from an observation tower.

On Isla Verde beach. Paradise found.

Looking at Old San Juan and El Morro fort from the San Cristobal Fort.

A charming side street in Old San Juan.

A lookout on San Cristobal.

Soooo.... are you planning your trip there yet?! ;)

Until we meet again,

Monday, August 27, 2012

Dress shopping success!

Guess what?!  My little sister came into the city yesterday and we found her........

wait for it.....

wedding dresses!

Yes, that's dress-ES. Plural.

My sister is getting married in January and I was fortunate enough to get to dress shop with her!

After many stores and MAAAANY dresses, Ellie narrowed it down to two beautiful dresses at one boutique. What is a girl to do when she can't decide between two gorgeous gowns in two totally different styles?!

Buy them both, of course!

Yep, she bought two dresses for an INCREDIBLE price (we're talking two dresses for MUCH LESS than I spent for my ONE wedding dress!), so she's wearing one for her wedding, and one for her reception. This practice is becoming quite common according to the lady who owns the boutique, and I think it's fantastic. Why not wear two dresses on your wedding day? You're the freakin bride! Do what you like!

Plus if you saw how incredibly gorgeous my sister looked in both dresses, you'd tell her to buy them both too!

Unfortunately I can't post any photos right now because her fiance reads this blog, but come January 25, 2013 I'll be photo posting away!!

That's all for now because I have to get started on a paper for my political communications class. I'd rather not do homework during our trip to San Juan, so I am trying to finish everything due in the next week in the next two days. :(

I had better get started...

Til next post,

Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Galleria (and why I love shopping small!)

I recently returned from a trip to the Galleria in the Andersonville neighborhood. If you live in the Chicago/Chicagoland area (or you're visiting) I truly cannot recommend this place strongly enough.

Someone described it on yelp as " in but in a real life shop" and she is SO RIGHT. It is four levels of retail space that houses tons of mini shops inside. There's handmade art, clothing, soaps, jewelry, ceramics, furniture, candies, and tons of other goodies for sale.

You can check out the website here: and there's a photo below that gives you a little idea of some of the things on sale...

I bought a generous bar of the most delicious smelling, organic vegetable fair trade soap for $4.00. I found a beautiful handmade necklace for $9.00. I spent an hour and forty minutes browsing all of the different goods, and I easily could have spent another hour.

I am a big fan of shopping small. Many of the people who sell their art/wares/gourmet goodies at the galleria make their living doing so, and how cool is it that I can help support that? I think it's pretty freaking fantastic that I have the power to help a family make their living by choosing to dine at local family owned restaurants rather than chain diners, or help a talented local jewelry maker pay her rent by purchasing a gorgeous, one of a kind piece from her collection, rather than something I find at a big chain retailer.

I love Target as much as the next girl, but lately I've been trying harder than ever to spend money when I can to support the local family owned businesses/artisans. These people need our dollars and they appreciate our dollars way more than Target ever will. Shopping small helps support people just like you and me; families just like yours and mine, and I'm all for that!

I urge you to shop small next time you have a little cash to spend; you might love it as much as I do! :)


Friday, August 3, 2012

Decisions, decisions!

I remember being about 8 years old and making my most important decisions using the eenie meenie miney moe song.

I was tempted to implement that old method to come to a decision on where the huz and I will celebrate our first anniversary.

We will celebrate 1 year of marriage on September 2, 2012; that's less than one month from today. Luckily, God has smiled on us and not only granted us a small window of time together, but also a budget of around $1,200 for this trip.

So with that being said; there are 3 places that made the final cut:

1. Traverse City, Michigan.

2. Denver, Colorado.

3. San Juan, Puerto Rico.

I researched the crap out of all three places and priced things out. Believe it or not all of the trips came in under our budget. (our budget does not include spending money or food money, fyi, it's just our budget for hotel and transportation)

I presented my research findings to my husband, and told him whole-heartedly that our destination was his decisison, because guess what? No matter where we go, we're going together to celebrate us, and that is what's most important!

But the huz and I simply couldn't ignore the fact that I found a ridiculously good deal for 4 nights hotel + airfare to this place for $448.00 per person. So can ya guess where we are going?!


Well, can ya?



We're going to......

San Juan! I've shared a few photos below that I found online. I think I am most looking forward to touring Old San Juan, eating Puerto Rican food, and exploring the rainforest! It looks breathtaking.

A stunning photo I found online of Old San Juan.
El Yunque Rainforest

This is a photo of a street in Old San Juan. Love the bright colors!

Flamenco Beach

Until Next Time,

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


I recently rediscovered the joy of being unplugged.

You know what I mean. No cell phone ringing. No text messages pinging. No internet.

Just living.

Living in Chicago, sometimes I forget to exhale. Often my husband has to remind me to just stop for a moment, and relax.

And last weekend that's just what I did. And it was unbelievably nice.
I got to spend a whole weekend with my favorite people in the entire world (minus a few, of course). We had swimsuits on, hot summer sun beating down, coolers full of beer, and all we had on our to "do" list was:

1. take a long, lazy 6 hour float down a cool, clear Missouri river. Go back to the hotel, and sleep in extra late the next morning.
2. explore Onondaga cave state park.
3. Stop at cheesy antique mall on the way home. (Where I scored a Sopranos trivia game, and we took advantage of some silly photo opportunities. See the photos below.)

Yes, this Ellie and her soon to be husband standing next to a ufo. And hells yes, this is what made us get off the highway!

Me and the giant pink roadside elephant. Why not?!

My new-in-the-plastic Sopranos trivia game!

 I would say that our roadtrip to Missouri was a giant win in every way imaginable. :)

Hmmm so what else have I been up to lately?

Not only did I get to take a road trip and a float trip down the lovely Meramec with Ellie and her fiance, but the huz and I have had out of town company staying with us pretty steadily lately. I also made it home last week to go fishing with my dad on the river in Dixon.

And I was lucky enough to grab a delicious dinner at the Cozy Noodle (check out, and take in a Cubs game with my cousins E and K, my sister Cher, and  my baby nephew Allen on Monday. The Cubs kicked the Pirates' asses, and it was awesome to see them playing so well, and to catch up with cousins that I see far too rarely.

Is my nephew cute or what?!

I know that I often talking about being broke, and it's true that money is tight. But  I'm really incredibly blessed because I have the best friends and family that a girl could ask for, and I have been having the best summer I've had in a long, looong time.

You'll have to forgive me for blogging less often lately, I'm trying to squeeze all of the fun I can out of the last couple weeks of summer. I start school on August 27th! Can't believe how quickly the break has gone by...

Thursday, July 26, 2012

teaser! :)

I have been having so much fun lately that I haven't wanted to stop to blog! *gasp* Can you believe it?! ;)

Seriously though, it has been a really busy few weeks filled with fun weekend trips as well as visits from friends and family.

 I promise to write a legit post once things calm down (probably the middle of next week), but right now we have out of state company that we are enjoying so much!

Instead of taking time away right now, I am just going to post a few pics from last weekend in Missouri where we celebrated my sister Ellie's 25th birthday! We went on a 6 and a half hour river float trip Saturday on the Meramec River (SO AWESOME), and then Sunday we toured Onondaga Cave (also extremely awesome).

The arch. You know, just in case you needed proof we went to Missouri. ;) I kept saying "doesn't St. Louis look soooo tiny compared to Chicago?!" lol

Huz and me outside of Onondaga Cave State Park!
Inside Onondaga Cave.
This room was called the Lily Pad room (inside the cave)

Can you imagine exploring this several hundred years ago with just a lantern?! Ahhh!

Two HUGE stalactites called "the twins" inside Onondaga.

That's just a teaser for now. I look forward to blogging again once things slow down a bit!


Monday, July 16, 2012

Oh, the conversations we have over dinner...

This is totally normal dinner conversation when you're married to a Doctor-In-Training:

Me, whilst taking a healthy bite of my pork chop: was your day at the hospital? Did you see anything awesome?

Huz: Let's see....there was a HPV check, an AIDS patient, a few diabetics......

(taking a bite of his baked potato)

....Oh!! And a guy with lots of ulcers on his anus.

Yummy! ;)

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Never, ever, evvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvver again.

Huz and I went to the Taste of Chicago this afternoon. I hate to say this, but I really should have listened to Yelp and to my husband who sweetly tried to talk me out of partaking in this "festival". Huz was right. And yelp was right. The Taste of Chicago was AWFUL.

Deal breaker number 1: B.O.

The crowds were massive, rude, and gross. Super effing gross. I'm talking about being elbow to elbow with people with body odor so rank, it would make a rhinoceros keel over and beg for the sweet release of death.

Also, as you may very well know, people automatically turn into idiots when they find themselves in large groups.

Deal breakers number 2 and 3; rude people and nasty food.

It is not that hard to act like a civilized human being and follow the unspoken "rules" of the sidewalk. One: Don't stop your stroller the size of Alaska in the fricking middle of the jam packed sidewalk.
Two: Don't smoke your nasty ass cigars in the middle of the jam packed sidewalk either, and blow your smoke in my face/ little kids' face. We'd really rather not smell like a dirty ashtray. Move over off to the side and smoke away!
Three: don't try to walk against traffic. Move to the other side of the sidewalk if you are going in the opposite direction. 

It's called common decency, and respect for fellow festival goers. Apparently 90 percent of the people at the taste do not have it.

Not only were the people insufferable, it was raining, and the rib tips I tasted from Robinson's #1 Ribs were undercooked, grisly, and downright disgusting. I took about 2 bites and threw the rest in the trash.

You fail taste of Chicago. Faaaaaaaaaaaail! (And if the word epic didn't make every fiber of my being cringe and wince, it might even be fitting to say that the taste of Chicago was an epic fail.)

I can't say anything about the entertainment because we didn't listen to any of the bands; we lasted about 40 minutes and then got the hell out.

I recommend you stay far faaaaaaaaaaaaaar away friends. Don't do it!

Signing off for now,

Friday, July 13, 2012

Inexpensive ways to make your apartment feel like home.

When you're broke students, like my huz and I, you have to get a little bit creative when it comes to home decor. Luckily, I have found a few extremely cheap (or FREE!) ways to make our apartment feel cozier.

1. Flowers. I am OBSESSED with flowers. If I could afford it, I'd have flowers in the house every single week.

Oh wait!

I *can* afford it, and it's all thanks to the farmer's market that happens in Harold Washington Park (right across the street from our place!) every Thursday from 7am to 1pm.

I chose these lilies this week. And I only paid $5.00 for them!

The lilies that you see above have permeated our entire apartment with their incredible fragrance. Even my husband commented on how nice our apartment smells. Plus they're a gorgeous vibrant pink.

So lesson 1: Bring flowers into the house. They'll brighten up any room, guaranteed. (If you're allergic, they make silk arrangements too that will be just as lovely! Not sure how the cost compares though.)

Not only do we have flowers in our apartment, we also have lots of plants. The plants were also free. I just had to buy planters. My father-in-law was kind enough to start us a two clippings from his dieffenbachia, and they're gorgeous plants. They're also extremely easy to take care of. A little sun, a little water, and that's it!

Here you can see one of our diefs siting atop our craigslist bookcase!

Before I left my job at the clinic, a sweet coworker started another clipping for me; this time a philodendron. The plant did marvelously well, and just last week I was able to plant another clipping that I took off of it. Here are our two philos.

You'll notice I chose bright planters. They also help add color to our place.

Lesson 2: Hit up friends and relatives for plant clippings. Plants will definitely brighten up your place, plus they're good for you!

The third way I found decor for our place on the cheap: check with family. Who knows what you'll find. Huz and I got several photos from his dad, as well as the two paintings you saw in a previous post (titled something like: home decor when you're married). We also have a gorgeous painting of the French Quarter, and a hand painted vase from Mexico, both of which belonged to my beautiful grandmother.

Stunning green and white hand-painted vase from my grandmother's trip to Mexico.

Painting from my grandmother's trip to New Orleans.

So lesson 3: Speak to your friends and family. You never know what they might be willing to gift/lend you to brighten up your space.

And the final lesson, of which I'm sure you're already familiar:  CRAIGSLIST/thrift shops/garage sales. You can seriously hit the jackpot.

We got our bookcase from craigslist for 20.00. and I LOVE it. My next goal is to find an over-sized chair with an ottoman for additional seating in our place.

I guess that's it for today. Hopefully I've shown you that it is possible to add color and interest to your home for very little cash! If I can do it, you can too.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

"You're such a city snob now!"

Said my very dear friend Andrew to me via text the other day.

You see, Andrew and his girlfriend are going to be in Illinois next month for his brother's wedding. I am super excited to see him since it's been almost a year, and I can't wait to meet his girlfriend!

Anywho, we were discussing our options for the couple of days they'll be in Chicago. I was rattling off tons of fun suggestions; Cubs games, brewery tours, boat tours, restaurant ideas, fun bars, comedy clubs etc. when Andrew dropped the "city snob" bomb on me. I know he was totally joking, and I quipped back something about "once you go city you never go back." And I sort of don't ever want to. ;)

However, you all know (or should know) that  I am the furthest thing from a city elitist. I've only lived here for about 5 months for crying out loud. I'm a transplant, and I think it's incredibly funny when city people get all hoity toity and preachy about how *gasp* they would NEVER live in the suburbs.

Yes, I understand their love of Chicago. I love it too. I love it more every single day. Chicago has the beaches of Lake Michigan which have allowed me to fulfill my dream of living on the water at the ripe old age of 26. (Lake Michigan is not exactly the water that I had in mind, but God has quite the sense of humor, methinks.)

Chicago has incredible food, great music, gorgeous art, friendly people, stunning architecture, etc etc. but I certainly can't say that it is the greatest city in the world, or that there's nowhere else I'd rather live....eventually. I can only say that I feel uber lucky to be here right now, at this point in my life, and I am going to explore the shit out of this city. And I'm gonna show friends around proudly when they visit. And I'm gonna live it up while Will and I live here, because I want to have beautiful memories of our time here in the Windy City.


Saturday, July 7, 2012

A famous guest at the Museum!

The one and only Rod Stewart visited the Museum of Science and Industry this morning! His hair was just as badass as the photo above too!!!

I caught a glimpse of him as he was on his way out today. Unfortunately, I didn't get a chance to meet him, (my mom is a HUGE fan! Wish I could have gotten an autograph/photo) but a coworker did meet him, and said he chatted with her for awhile and was very nice. He came to tour the German U-boat which happens to be the only one left of its kind in the entire world.

Pretty cool!!!

Friday, July 6, 2012


I've been struggling lately with that whole "wtf am I going to choose for a life long career" thing. With 2 semesters left until I have my bachelor's, and my 27th birthday approaching, I have been putting a tremendous amount of pressure on myself to make a decision about grad school. Why do I put so much pressure on myself? I don't know, but I do. I occasionally I find myself playing the comparison game "where am I in my life compared to blah blah blah" against my peers/friends/relatives. Many of whom are homeowners with well paying jobs.

Me? I'm a non-trad college student, working a low paying job with a good chunk of student debt and no clear vision of what my future career should be. My sisters are both in well paying jobs in the health care field; one a nurse, one a physical therapy assistant. My brother is a heavy equipment operator. My husband is a med student. My best friends have all chosen career paths. I have cousins near my age who have all chosen their paths. One is a youth minister, one in the navy, one is a pilot, and one a lawyer.

Sometimes I wonder why the hell I don't have my shit together like many of my peers/friends/family. Why don't I know what I was "meant" to do? Some days are better than others. Some days I just go with the flow and tell myself that it is totally *not* realistic to have your whole life figured out by age 26.

Some days I tell myself that at least I am figuring out careers I was definitely *NOT* meant for. i.e. waitressing, nursing assistant, medical secretary, medical biller. So hey! Only 3490834058604856 billion more careers to try out and then maybe I'll know what I was meant to do. ;) Clearly I am making SOME progress. ;)

There very likely will be an entire post on this topic sometime in the very near future. I am just too tired to do it tonight.

Until then, I had to post this picture I stumbled across because it gave me giggle fits! :)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

4th of July Festivities!

I hope everyone had a safe and happy time wishing Happy Birthday to America last night! I made the cake pictured above partially to be festive and patriotic and what have you; and partially to bribe my dad into coming to Chicago for a visit.

It's a very easy recipe. You'll need a few blueberries, a pint of strawberries, one container of cool whip, and your favorite cake recipe. (I used a butter cake).

Then all you do is bake your cake, let it cool completely, frost with the whip cream, and arrange the fruit. Tasty and delicious; and also a good way to bribe city-hatin' folk to come in for a visit. heh!

Other things I did to celebrate America's birthday:

Watched the parade in our neighborhood. It turned down 53rd street so we only had to walk half a block to get a good spot. Hyde Park has this annual 4th of July celebration that includes a parade, live music, games, a picnic, etc. It was in the triple digits yesterday, so unfortunately not too many came out to partake, but you better believe that I did. Here are a few of my favorite photos of the parade/band/etc.

Bagpipers kicked off the parade!

Some adorable pom girls or something. I liked their shiny outfits.

Fitzgerald's Martial Arts!

Protestors demanding the release of Bradley Manning

Cool church float. They handed out free Popsicles too which were very welcome since it was over 100 degrees outside.

Hyde Park Garden Fair float! They handed out various seed packets which I thought was really cute. Unfortunately I got radishes. I do not like radishes. :(
 My parents missed out on the parade, but they got into town shortly after. As my dad and huz relaxed in the a/c with a couple of Heinekens, my mom and I went for a stroll down 53rd to check out the live music.

The band was playing some rockin' blues. They had great energy despite the small turnout.

The sign advertising our neighborhood's fun little celebration at Nichols Park!

We closed out the evening by having a cook-in rather than a cook out, and then heading out to watch some fireworks. :) We made brats and burgers on the stove. We also had watermelon, potato chips, and macaroni salad. The food was delish, and we stayed cool to boot. At around 8pm we headed over to the point to watch some fireworks. It was so nice to spend the evening at the park. Even dad enjoyed himself. :) The point wasn't as crowded as I thought it would be, and those that were there were all decked out in their red white and blue. We commandeered a great spot near the rocks to watch the fireworks, and a wonderful breeze was blowing off of the lake.

Navy Pier fireworks as we viewed them from Promontory Point.

Today my mom and I went to the farmer's market in the park across the street from my apartment. They had gorgeous bouquets of fresh cut flowers for around $5.00 each.

I got these beauties for just $3.00 this morning.

 We also bought the ridiculously succulent peaches pictured below. They're seriously delectable. I scarfed down two whole ones by myself. I can't wait to hit up the market for the rest of the summer for more flowers and fruit.

Before my parents left, mom and I capped off the morning with a trip to the beach. The water felt great on our toes, especially after a half mile walk in the 104 degree heat. Not that I am complaining. It can stay 104 for the rest of the year if it would like to. See my previous posts for more info on my love affair with hot weather..... ;)

Me and mom at Lake Michigan. Blurry enough that you can't tell who we are! Ha! ;)

My gorgeous mama at the beach.

I hope you all had a safe and wonderful 4th of July!
Til next time,
Emme <3