Friday, December 7, 2012


I'm typing up this post while sipping on a nice glass of Trader Joe's Pinot Gris... so you gotta take that into account when you read it. ;)

I've had soooo many RANDOM confessions swirling around my brain these past couple of weeks that I figured I'd take the evening off from research papers, reading, and discussion board posts and type a few of these thoughts out...

 (Plus we are having company over in an hour or so, Huz's cousin is coming into the city, so I wouldn't be able to get a whole lot of school work done anyway unless I left the apartment which is SO not happening. Heh!)

Disclaimer: You do not have to tell me how first-world-problemy my confessions sound. I already know. Believe me.

Confession # 1. I confess that...I really want a new job. I've only been working 2 or 3 days a week for the museum. I've been applying a bit here and there, but haven't heard anything back yet. I really wanted to stick it out at the museum until I graduate in May, (Can't believe I am SO CLOSE! Yet some days it still seems SOOOO far away...) but I am really tired of huz and I having to watch every. single. penny. and having to say no to invitations with potential wonderful new friends because we're broke...

Confession # 2. I confess that...I have been thinking more and more about moving to a different neighborhood in Chicago. I feel like such an asshat confessing that...but it's true. I love SO many things about Hyde Park, friendly neighbors, diversity, art, museums, parks, being thisclose to the lake, Promontory Point, our gym, our apartment....yada yada....but it's sooooo quiet here. The neighborhood falls silent at 10pm. There's barely any retail here...not that I have money to spend right now anyway...but still. The restaurants leave a bit to be desired although we are getting a couple of new ones in 2013! Nevertheless...there are just other neighborhoods *cough* Andersonville and Old Town and River North*cough* that are sounding more and more exciting to me.

Confession # 3. I confess that...I cannot wait until my little sister's wedding in January! I am so excited to see her marry her wonderful fiance. They are so in love, and so perfect for each other. I am SO ridiculously happy for them. I also confess that I really need to find a dress to wear to said wedding....

Confession # 4. I confess feels NOTHING like winter right now, and I LOVE IT. We have had such a mild start to December that sometimes I have to remind myself fall is almost over. There is not a pinch of snow on the ground, and for the past few days I haven't even needed more than a light fall jacket outside. A girl can definitely get used to this! I wonder when we will pay....I bet the first time it snows this winter it'll snow a foot. Ugh.

Confession # 5. I confess that...I think I could easily become a tattoo addict. I am loving my new tattoo more and more...especially because of the awesome meaning behind it. (My other 2 tattoos I got when I was very young (18 and 20) and though I love them, they have no meaning whatsoever.)

Confession # 6. I confess that...I STILL don't know if I want to go to grad school. Here I am a mere 6 months from graduation and I still don't know. I also confess that deep down I feel like I owe it to the women before me who paved the way for my generation. Women's rights have come so far...and have SO FAR to go...and I definitely want to do my part. I definitely want to strive to reach my full potential, but at the same time, I don't want to just aimlessly continue my education. is coming...til next time...



  1. A response to your confessions from your sister:
    1. I totally get the fact that youre hoping for a new job- of course you are! You are getting ready to start a new chapter of your life when you graduate in May, so naturally those feelings to move on are going to stir up in you. I know youre going to find a good job!! :) And it DoEs sUcK to have to watch every penny- but soon all you and your hubby's hard work will be paying off!!
    2. NoOoOo! You can't move away from Hyde Park! Its so easy and convenient to get to from where we're at downstate, and there's too many places I want to go in Hyde Park that we haven't visited yet. We still have yet to eat at that Chant place! Plus-- the next big move you make needs to be closer to ME! ;) (hehe, you sensing an "all-about-ellie" theme in this post a lil' bit?) Plus, your apartment is sooooo cute and the lake view is TO DIE FOR!
    3. I AM GETTING SO EXCITED TOO! Breanne helped me start the tulle wreaths last night and they look AWESOME! Now I am getting anxious to re-try on my wedding dresses and make sure they still fit, lol.
    4. Farmer's Almanac says its going to be a mild winter, and I hope it's correct!
    5. HEHE! Maybe you can be my sisterly support system if I ever decide to be brave enough to get a tatoo this winter. Even though you say your other tats don't have meaning, they really do! You can still look at them and look back to that point in your life when you get them, and be reminded how much you have grown since then. I still looooove the stars tatoo on your ankle, so original compared to many people who get stars.
    6. You know my opinion sista, sorry- but I am ready for you to pop out some babies SOONER rather than LATER! :) Of course, obviously it is your life and you know I would support you 100% either way silly gooser :)

  2. You can tell you are the baby of the fam! Look at you..."all about me!" haha j/k.

    Hope you can come visit me in the city again soon....we still have SO many adventures to take!

    So glad your wreaths are turning out! Cannot wait for your wedding! xoxox

    PS. No babies for us for AT LEAST 3 more years. :) xoxo
