Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Last weekend, Will and I went home for Easter to spend time with our families.

By "home," I mean the small town we moved away from just over a month ago. I think since I spent the first 26 years of my life there, I will always call it "home" even though Chicago is slowly starting to feel like home too.

I'm really glad we went because had been itching to take my first fishing trip of the season with my dad. He and I have been fishing partners since I was a toddler. Our fishing trips are really important to me, because life is short and I love time spent sitting out in dad's boat, just him and me, shooting the shit. And when luck is on our side, we're also catching a catfish or two.

Well, luck wasn't on our side last weekend, but since it had been over a month since I'd seen my dad, it was nice to catch up. And he cooked me and Will a great breakfast, which if you know my dad, is a very VERY impressive thing.

I seriously couldn't tell you the last time my dad cooked ANYTHING, unless you count grilling burgers or fish on the grill. Mom does 99.9% of the cooking in their house. I was so impressed to wake up and find my dad cooking breakfast that I *had* to snap a photo to remember the occasion.

Here's my daddy looking happy about cooking us up some delish cheesy eggs and sausage:

Though the fishing and eating was great, I have to say that the best thing about going home was spending time with our families. When we left, I have to admit that I was a little heavy-hearted. I know that we are only 75 miles away, but with busy schedules we figure that we'll probably only be able to see our families once a month or so. I am extremely close to my family. I am lucky that I grew up in a happy home with lots of wonderful memories, and that my parents also happen to be two of my most favorite people in the world. Spending time with them is very important and special to me, and I am looking forward to the next time we can go home for a visit. I've been feeling a little lonely since we left last weekend.

Since I haven't started working yet, I haven't really made any friends here in Chicago. Since Will started at the hospital, I have been doing a lot of homework, a lot of walking/biking, a lot of exploring our neighborhood, and a lot of enjoying the lake front. What I haven't been doing a lot of is socializing, and I miss it. I am definitely not an extrovert, but I do have a handful of very close friends that I miss dearly, and I hope we're able to spend time together soon. I feel like the older we get, the busier everyone gets. People get married/have kids/move away, and it gets harder to spend time with the people you care about.

I'd really like to make some friends here in Chicago. I was asking Will the other day if anyone he has spoken with at the hospital is new to the area and has a spouse/significant other, or if there is a medical spouses/significant others group at the hospital. No luck so far, but I'm sure once I start work at the museum I will meet some great people! I am definitely staying positive about the whole situation, and trying not to dwell on the lonely feeling.

Until next time,



  1. Hi Emme! It's your cousin "E". I started reading your blog today and I'm lovin' it :) Just wanted to let you know that I went through the same thing when I moved to Southern Illinois with "C"; homesick and sad whenever the visits with my parents and sisters ended, and trying to meet people that you actually want to be friends with. It gets better, just give it time. You've had a lot of changes in your life recently and it just takes us a little while to adjust :). And I live a little closer to you than the rest of our family so we should definitely make it a point to hang out soon!

  2. Aww hi E ;) I am so glad you're enjoying my little slice of the internet. We definitely should get together soon! Cubs game perhaps? I am actually thinking of making an appointment with you in the very near future because I am scared of trying a new salon! LOL.

    I really appreciate your sweet words. It's nice to hear from people who have been there, and made it through.

  3. I would love to go to a Cubs game! And I would also love to have you come into the salon! Looking forward to it :)

  4. Excellent, I'm going to get a hold of you in the next week or two to get your schedule. I'll make an appointment and we'll make some plans!

    PS. Try not to cringe when you get your hands on my hair. It's been over 3 months since I've had a trim! Eeeek! :)

  5. Ummm, I can't even admit to you how long I went between cuts recently. Don't feel bad!

  6. I feel 1000x better already! lol :)
