Friday, March 30, 2012

Another one bites the dust!

Actually, if you want to get technical, I bit the grass, not the dust.  Erm. Well, actually I didn't bite anything per se, but I most definitely DID wipe out on my bike a few days ago. Will's bike, actually.

My mom stayed over night on Tuesday and on Wednesday, she and I decided that since it was a gorgeous day we should definitely take a ride by the lake. About five minutes into our ride I needed to adjust my messenger bag because it was dangling in between my legs and driving me crazy. So, I tried using one hand to adjust the bag and in the process hit a hole in the bike path. Out went the bike from under me, and oh well hello there grass and pavement! Luckily the only thing really hurt was my pride, although I was *really* sore when I woke up the next morning.

I should have known then that perhaps the day wasn't going to exactly as planned, however, after I dusted myself off we continued on our ride.

It was another gorgeous day. Not a cloud in the sky and seventy-five degrees with a lake breeze.

Today, two days after our ride, the weather is very different. I am typing this post as I look out at the lake. There are whitecaps on the lake today that are spraying up about a foot or so as they crash into the sidewall. It's 45 degrees, cloudy, and rainy. Oh northern IL weather, you are sooooo crazy.

But Wednesday was glorious and we decided to lock up our bikes on Jackson and do a little walking. Check out the lovely photos mom took.

Solider Field, pretty (but STINKY) Bradford Pear trees, and the Sears Tower (Willis tower, whatev)

Gorgeous tulip tree on the right, and a bit of the skyline.

The Buckingham peeking through the tree. My mom's best friend's family owns a couple of condos there. I can't wait until they come in for a visit this summer!

A mountie and his horse on Michigan Avenue. Later we saw them cantering around Grant Park.

Another photo of those lovely, stinky Bradford Pear trees.

So after walking around for about an hour and enjoying the parks, it was time to head back so mom could catch the 4:11 train back to Elburn. The ride home was lovely and uneventful...for the first half.

And then, I said, "hey mom, I get sort of worried that during one of our long rides something will go wrong with one of the bikes. Ugh. That would suck because Beau and I don't normally carry bike tools, and it could be a REALLY long walk home!"

Mom laughed.

And then literally one minute later I heard a loud **POP** from behind me. And sure enough, mom had a flat.


We both laughed, and then groaned, and then laughed again. I totally jinxed us!

Luckily we were only about half a mile from Oakwood/41st Street Beach. So we walked the half mile and then called Will to pick us up. It was quite a sight to see me pretzeled into the back of our small Saturn Vue with two bikes and my mom and Will laughing up front.

So, in the next couple of days Will and I will be searching for the least pretentious bike shop on  the south side of Chicago so we can get back on the trail!


  1. LoL! Oh no sister. You certainly are making some memories there already aren't you!? I think you need to write a book on all of this :) I love the pics! Especially the one of the horse... I think I missed my calling on that one- I should have been a Chi town mountie (seeings as my dream of being a jockey evaporated when I was about 9 and was too tall already, hehehe). Don't worry about the job, you'll find one! I guess this is a sign from your HP (Higher Power :op ) that you just need some time to focus on your studies right now. Lots of love!! Ellie

  2. Definitely making memories! I went in to get my paycheck from the diner today, and it's nice that I'll never have to set foot in there again! That manager gives me the total creeps! I am trying to stay positive about the job search. I got an email for another interview next week so maybe that one will work out. Please come visit again soon! Miss you and love you! Emme

  3. Um, Ellie-- I DO NOT think mom and dad would have been happy having their "baby" as a Chicago Mountie!
    Emme-God has better plans for you!

  4. I feel bad for the horses walking on the hard pavement all day. :( Pretty sure you're right about mom and dad not wanting any of us in law enforcement. lol. Thanks for the encouragement! Love you! Give baby Al lots of kisses for me.
