Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Spring has sprung in Chicago!

Or should I say summer has sprung? It is 79 glorious degrees in the windy city today, and the sun is shining brilliantly off the lake. After doing some reading this morning for class, Will and I decided we *had* to get out and enjoy this day.

I was planning on just biking over to Promontory Point and maybe just whiling away a couple hours on a picnic blanket by the water, but Will had another idea. He wanted to bike to Navy Pier. It's an 8 mile ride from our apartment. That means 16 miles round trip.

Ok. Why the hell not?!

About half way there, it dawned on me that we didn't bring any water with us, and the sun is really beating down today. Meh. No biggie. We can just buy a bottle or two at the pier, right?

Wrong. :(

I also realized I had taken the $20.00 out of my camera case.

Oops. No money, no water. We are dumbasses.

But we made the trip anyway. It was Will's first trip to the pier! We walked around enjoying the sights, sounds and sunshine. I took a couple of crappy photos, which I shall post below for your enjoyment. (I desperately need to get batteries for my camera because I think it takes much nicer photos than Will's camera.)

Taaaaaaaaaaaaaa daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Navy Pier! Yeah, told ya the pictures were craptastic. Some day my camera will function again, and Will might let me stop to take more photos along the way like a "nerdy tourist".

So it was an afternoon well spent, although I don't think Will will want to bike there without water again.I have to confess to you that before my sweet Seattle-bound friends gifted us a pair of bikes, I hadn't ridden a bike in about ehhhhhhhh 8 or 10 years-ish.

Read: I was getting reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally crabby and tired on the way back! I am not used to biking such long distances yet! My ass and calves were begging for mercy at around mile 12!

Will, bless his sweet little heart, tried to cheer me up by singing Beatles songs and that Rocky song that goes "da da da, da da da getting stronger!", but I was having none of it!

The rest of the evening will be spent lazing around the apartment reading for class with the windows wide open. Eventually I will pry myself off of the couch and cook us up some steak fajitas. Yum.

Until next time,



  1. Omg "Brandon" and I were laughing during your whole post! I went for a short jog today with a friend at Washington Park and I definately made use of my water bottle! Totally sounds like something I would do though- you'd never believe we're sisters, huh? I haven't bicycled in forever, but we love to get back into it... maybe that can be our next adventure! :) LOVE YOU! ~Ellie

  2. I was sooo cranky at the end! I figured I'd be really sore today, but I actually don't feel bad. My back hurts a little, but that might be because I slept in an awkward position. You and Brandon should definitely get some bikes! You could bring them with you this summer and we can all ride by the lake.

    See you very soon! Can't wait! Love, Emme
